
Bhaktipedia is a collection of bhakti literature for publication and it is also a world-wide editorial workshop for perfecting and refining these texts. 

You can find the materials in three groups. The books and articles are individually listed in the Catalogues. The Thesaurus helps understanding all the definitions contained in the texts. There are specific tools for our editorial staff to use. More >>
Search the Catalogues
In the centre of a library there is catalogue room. The complete catalogue includes all the titles we have here. We also offer a catalog by subject matter. More >>
Learn the vedic wisdom
The Vedic literature is vast and multi-faceted, it is difficult to comprehend without a proper guide. Study is thus recommended under the guidance of a guru or spiritual master. Bhaktipedia helps you in your study from thefirst step through all the aspects of philosophy and spiritual practice to the understanding of the advanced scriptures. Beside this you can do research in the supplementary literatures. More >>
Look it up in the Thesaurus
When we read we often meet words hardly known to us or not known at all, but there is help in the Thesaurus. Words are categorized by name, place & definition. More >>
A unique feature: the library as an editorial room
Bhaktipedia is not only for the readers, it is simultaneously redaction work. Writers, translators, editors can work together worldwide here to refine their projects. It is not free as is Wikipedia, editors must be qualified to work with us.
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In case you wish to share opinion, have a question or would like to take part in the work, just send a massege.

What Is Bhaktipedia?

Bhaktipedia is a compound word of Sanskrit bhakti (love for God) and Ancient Greek pedia (teaching), i.e. the science of how to love God. This word refers also to the wiki-based system that we use, similar to Wikipedia. is basically a collection of all authentic texts which can be of importance to all those engaged in the study of bhakti yoga.

Bhaktipedia is independent from any mission or devotional line (Bhaktipedia is a project dedicated to the World Vaishnava Association), but wishes to serve all those engaged in or wanting to find out about bhakti-yoga.
This is a library only so we do not wish to propagate a particular lineage or direction in vaishnavism, although the selections found here pay special attention to gaudiya vaishnava siddhanta.
Bhaktipedia is available in several languages.
It is the intent of Bhaktipedia for people not only to read these texts but also to contribute effectively in editing, correcting, translating so that more and more high quality publications can be made available to the public.
Since the correction of the texts calls for special knowledge, you can become an editor or you can load on articles only in possession of password. Each text has a main caretaker who decides in whose assistance he can have confidence. If you wish to participate contact me.
Swami B.A. Keshava
Head librarian